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Is Chicken Good to Health?

This is one of the most important question that most of the non veg people will have.Here we are going to give you all the information about chicken, both the right side and the wrong side.Chicken, as we all know is one of the most delicious one that we love to eat it daily.

But we would have heard that people saying eating too much of chicken is bad to health. Yes, it is bad to health only if you keep on eating more chicken daily.

Here is a great tip about chicken saying chicken is better to health.

Biotech and Researchers from Chicago Health and Aging Project made a survey on Chicago with those people who are aged above 65. Those who were eating chicken frequently are proved to be protective against Alzheimer disease.

This states that eating chicken helps us to prevent from disease like Alzheimer.

Chicken Variety:

If you are a chicken lover, then you should know that chicken has a variety of options to be made. Chicken can either be Roasted, boiled or fried and it will be more and more delicious to eat in either of the methods.

We can get chicken thorough the year.

Option for red meat:

It is the best option available for red meat. Red meat simple stands for beef. You can stop eating beef or pork and make chicken as a best option among all.

We say you because of the following reason.

Chickens are generally rich in protein.

You never get this much protein from beef. It gives around 67.6% of the daily value for protein in 4 to 5 ounces.

Amino Acids:

We obtain Amino Acids from animals. In Chicken you get more and more Amino acids. That's a great fact about chicken.

Reduce Fat:

If you daily want non veg and at the same time want to reduce the fat content then chicken is your ultimate food. Chicken contains more protein and less amount of fat.

The best part of chicken is the chicken breast. It contains less amount of fat and rich in proteins.

Chicken protect you against CANCER:

You would be shocked to know that chicken even protects us from Cancer. Chicken contains protective B vitamin that is a good antigen against Cancer.

So eating Chicken is good to health.

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