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Check your Memory power - Scientific Invention

You would have faced these kinds of events in the past.

1. Forgetting where the bike or car key has been kept last night?

2. Where I have parked the bike exactly in the exhibition?

3. Forgetting what all to buy in a shopping complex?

4. Suddenly can’t get the topic which you want to share and enjoy with your friend?

Why I forget all these things? Am I suffering my Memory Loss? Is it Alzheimer's disease?

Biotechnology Inventions have answers for all these questions:

Think at the age of 20 or 25 you have this much memory loss and what will happen at the age of 60? Am I going to forget my own wife due to lack of memory power?

That’s silly….

Don’t worry… These are all the basic things that we forget often. This is not a great issue to see it as a big fault. Know one thing if you underestimate yourself that I forget often, and then it will happen in same sequence. Just cheer up. Think that this is a silly issue and I won’t forget anything. Think positive and be confident that I am normal.

In further there are two kinds of memory loss.

1. Normal Memory Loss.
2. Real Memory Loss.

Again there must be a question. Am I under normal memory loss or real memory loss?

Don’t worry we have the answer of you.

Here is a simple basic IQ test that will decide on which category you will fall. Don’t worry this will be of basic questions and not complicated. At the end of the result you can decide yourself.

“Go here” to “test your IQ”

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