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India by 2030

India is both a major greenhouse gas emitter and one of the most vulnerable countries in the world to projected climatic change. Already there is a rapid change in the climate where rainy season gets sunny. With a 1.2 billion growing population and more dependent on agriculture India will be facing a great impact due to this climatic change.

The following are the impacts which will be impacting India by 2030:

Scarcity of Water will be a major problem. Believe it or not the cost of water per litre is half a dollar in most of the places in India. This may increase up to 2 dollars if this keeps on going. The natural calamities like tsunami have already added salt content to the ground water and scarcity of water has already occupied in many states of India. Think what would happen by 2030?

Global Observations of melting glaciers suggest that climatic change is well under way in the region with glaciers receding at an average rate of 10 to 15 meters per year. If this rating increases INDIA by 2030, the rivers flowing in India would fed by these glaciers followed by dimensional flows.

Agriculture: In India by 2020, Agriculture would be greatly affected by the climatic change. Increasing population will never cope up with agricultural activities by 2030. Sudden floods and draughts will occur simultaneously which will make India to suffer a lot by 2030.

Migration: Migration may occur in large numbers due to poverty created in India by 2020. This may create a great disturbance with the neighbouring countries and would lead to great misunderstanding between nations.

Beyond 2030 India's view is unclear and the future of India is under a great threat and noon seem to work in view of future.

Although all the State governments have been coping with climatic changes mitigation policies, India tends to be slow and ineffective in executing such plans due to bureaucratic inertia, lack of political will and corruption.

Beyond all this Carbon emission also plays a key role in polluting the world to a greater extent by 2030. India by 2030 would also be a greater share owner due to increasing population.

The only remedy for this problem each and every one of us should feel the upcoming threats and make a joint statement to prevent our planet home for our future generation. Let us stop polluting atmosphere. If you are a true son of our earth mother don't pollute our small planet any more and think of the remedy measure to be taken in future.

"India by 2030" is in all our hands..... Let us make a Green Home...

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