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List of Pharma Companies in Czech Republic

Here is the list of pharmaceutical companies in Czech republic. We have already provided List of pharmaceutical companies in Hungary, List of pharmaceutical companies in Japan List of pharmaceutical companies in America.

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Abbott Czech Republik Medisco Limited (160000 Prague 6-Dejvice)
Alcon Pharmaceuticals Ltd. (CZ-186 00 Prague 8)
ALTANA Pharma Ceska republika s.r.o. (14221 Praha 4)
Apotex spol. s.r.o. (110 00 Praha 1)
Ardeapharma (373 63 Sevetin)
Astellas Pharma s.r.o (186 00 Praha 8)

Baxter Immuno spol. s.r.o. (110 00 Praha 1)
Beiersdorf (155 00 Praha 5)
Berlin-Chemie AG (14800 Praha 4)
Biotika Bohemia s.r.o. (147 00 Praha 4)
Boehringer Ingelheim s.r.o. (110 00 Praha 1)
B. Braun Medical s.r.o. (148 00 Praha 4)
Bristol-Myers Squibb (110 00 Praha 1)

Coopharma (140 00 Praha 4)

Desitin Arzneimittel (11121 Prag 1)

Ewopharma s.r.o. (130 00 Praha 3)
Exbio spol. s.r.o. (252 42 Vestec)

Ferring Leciva A.S. (25242 Jesenice u Prahy)
Ferrosan Czech s.r.o. obchodni zastoupeni (14000 Praha 4)
Fournier Laboratoires (16200 Praha 6)
Fresenius Medical Care Er. s.r.o. (16005 Praha 6)

GlaxoSmithKline (140 21 Praha 4)
Glynn Brothers Chemicals Prague s.r.o. (Praha 4)
Grünenthal (162 00 Praha 6)

Hapra s.r.o. (169 00 Praha 6)
HEXANEL s.r.o. (130 00 Praha 3)

IBI International s.r.o. (110 00 Praha 1)
Infusia a.s. (28912 Sadská)
Intercaps s.r.o. (761 79 Zlín)

Koral s.r.o. (666 01 Tišnov)
Krka (186 00 Praha 8 - Karlín)

Meda Pharma s.r.o. (120 00 Praha 2)
Medicamenta a.s. (169 00 Praha 6)
Medicom International s.r.o. (635 00 Brno)
Medimport (120 00 Praha 2)
Merck Sharp & Dohme (162 00 Praha 6)
Merck spol. sr. o. (25101 Ricany - Jazlovice)
Mucos Pharma (252 43 Pruhonice)
Mundipharma (621 00 Brno)

Naturprodukt s.r.o. (736 01 Havirov)
Nestlé Food s.r.o. (143 20 Praha 4)
Novartis Czech Republic s.r.o. (130 00 Praha 3)
Novo Nordisk A/S (160 00 Praha 6)
Nutricia (140 21 Praha 4)
Nycomed Spol. s.r.o. (142 21 Praha 4)

Ratiopharm CZ, s.r.o. (120 00 Praha 2)
Roche s.r.o. (170 00 Praha 7)

Sanitas a.s. (251 01 Ricany)
Sanopharm spol. s.r.o. (708 00 Ostrava - Poruba)
Schering Plough, Essex Chemie East AG (110 00 Praha 1)
Schering Pharma spol. s.r.o. (120 00 Praha 2)
Schwarz Pharma (162 00 Praha 6 - Stresovice)
Serono Pharma Services s.r.o. (110 00 Praha 1)
Servier s.r.o. (110 02 Praha 1)
Sevac a.s. (281 63 Kostelec nad Černymi Lesy)
Solvay Pharma s.r.o. (150 00 Praha 5)
Spofa a.s. (180 47 Praha 9)

Teva Pharmaceuticals CR, s.r.o. (150 00 Praha 5)

Weleda spol. s.r.o. (150 00 Praha 5)

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