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Ice Creams is Good or Bad?? Biotechnology Invasions

Do you love Ice Cream??? Do you want to know how many Ice Creams to take up a day? What are all the healthy and unhealthy results we will get when taking up Ice Creams?Biotechnology answers you for all these questions. "Is Ice Cream Good or Bad"We would give you an incident about eating ice cream. A boy of 14 years old lost his life because of taking up ice creams frequently. He died because he ate ice creams frequently...

List of Pharmaceutical Companies in Europe and Spain 2

Here is a list of pharma companies in Europe and spain.Laboratorios Pino, SA Pine Labs, SALaboratorios Pino, SA fue constituida en 1.927., Nuestra empresa ocupa un importante lugar entre las elaboradoras de medicamentos para veterinaria de España. Pino Laboratories Ltd. was founded in 1927., Our company occupies an important place among those developed for veterinary medicines in Spain.Laboratorios Rubio Laboratorios RubioFundados en 1968 y caracterizados por su innovación,disponen de un extenso vademecum que ha contribuido...

List of Pharmaceutical Companies in Europe and Spain 3

Here is a list of pharma companies in Europe and spain.Centrum CentrumInvestigación y desarrollo tecnológico para la puesta a punto de nuevos medicamentos o sustancias medicamentosas. Research and technological development for the development of new drugs or drug substances.Covex COVEXThe brain is the control center of all physical and intellectual activity in the body. The brain is the control center of all physical and intellectual activity in the body.Dr.Vinyals, sa Dr.Vinyals, saLaboratorios Dr. VINYALS, SA, desde su fundación...

List of Pharmaceutical Companies in Europe and Spain 1

Here is a list of pharma companies in Europe and spain.Alcala FarmaAlcala Farma's objective is to become one of the leading companies offering high quality services to the Pharmaceutical Industry. Alcala Farma's objective is to become one of the leading companies offering high quality services to the Pharmaceutical Industry.Almirall Prodesfarma Almirall ProdesfarmaLa mision de Almirall Prodesfarma es investigar, desarrollar y proporcionar a la sociedad productos y servicios de alta calidad y valor añadido. Prodesfarma Almirall's...

List of top 100 Biotechnology Companies in the World

Biotechnology have already provided you1.List of pharma companies all over the world.2.List of pharma companies in inda.3.List of pharma companies in singapore.4.List of pharma companies in UK.5.List of Biotech and pharma jobs.and now we provide here the List of top 100 Biotechnology Companies in the World.Here we have the List of Biotechnology companies in the world. The list is based on the revenue.CSLAustraliaLife TherapeuticsAustraliaPeptechAustraliaUCBBelgiumInnogeneticsBelgiumQLTCanadaCangeneCanadaAEterna ZentarisCanadaBioniche...

List of Pharmaceutical Companies in United Kingdom

Biotechnology have already provided you 1.List of pharma companies all over the world.2.List of pharma companies in inda.3.List of pharma companies in singapore.4.List of Biotech and pharma jobsand now we provide you the list of pharmaceuticals suppliers in United Kingdom.We have given you the list of pharmaceuticals suppliers which are in United Kingdom. Some of the companies have their operations in United Kingdom. Some of them are not in United Kingdom, but some of their operations are from United Kingdom.Pfizer is an American...

List of Pharmaceutical Companies in Singapore

TAZ International Pte LtdTEL.: 65 - 0 - 63691797 FAX.:65 - 0 – 63691797[Singapore]65A, NEIL ROAD Singapore 088897 SingaporeMAKX ENTERPRISES PTE LTDTEL.: 65 - 0 - 65471508 FAX.:65 - 0 – 65471509[Singapore]BLOCK 3023 UBI ROAD 3, UNIT 02-05 UBIPLEX 1 SINGAPORE 408663 SingaporeThe Beauty Nation Pte LtdTEL.: 65-6-562-5526 FAX.:65-6-562-5592.[Singapore]41 Toh Guan Road East #03-01 ADL BuildingAir Power Resources Pte LtdTEL.: 65-65-65451831 FAX.:65-65-65422808[Singapore]1 Jetty Link Loyang Offshore Supply Base Loyang Crescent Box 5164...

List of Pharmaceutical Companies in India (T,U,V,W,X,Y and Z)

Titan Biotech Ltd.A-2/3, IIIrd Floor, Lusa Tower,Azadpur Commercial Complex,Delhi-110033, IndiaPh: +91-11-27677960,27674615,27670742Fax : +91-11-27674181E-Mail :marketing@titanbiotechltd.comWorks:A-902A, RIICO Industrial Area Phase-III,Bhiwadi-301019 (Raj.)India Website Biotek Ltd.Plot 68, 69 & 70, IDA Bollaram, Medak District - 502 325Andhra Pradesh, India Tel: +91-8458-279103+91-40-55589499Fax:...

List of Pharmaceutical Companies in India (P,Q,R and S)

Panacea BiotechB-1 Extn. A-27, Mohan Co-op. Industrial Estate, Mathura Road, New Delhi, INDIA(Biotech and Pharmaceuticals)Website: +91 11 26945270,26974500,41678000,41679000Fax: +91 11 41044550________________________________________Pragati Biocare Pvt. LtdNo.81/3, Govindappa Road, Basvangudi, Bangalore, India.A progressive biotech company with diversified interests in marketing, manufacturing, research...

List of Pharmaceutical Companies in India (K,L,M,N and O)

Karnataka Antibiotics & Pharmaceuticals Ltd. (KAPL)Nirman Bhawan, 80 Feet Road, 1st Block, Rajaji Nagar, BangloreKarnataka Antibiotics & Pharmaceuticals Ltd., (KAPL) Bangalore is a Government Enterprise. From a modest beginning in 1984, KAPL has grown from strength to strength in the areas of manufacturing and marketing of various life saving and essential drugs.Website: 91-80-23372123________________________________________Kopran...

List of Pharmaceutical Companies in India (G,H,I and J)

Genotypic Technologies Pvt. Ltd.80 Ft Road, R.M.V IInd Stage, Bangalore, India.Website: 80 32934943/23516444________________________________________GVK Biosciences Pvt. Ltd.GVK Bio. Pvt. Ltd, #210, 6-3-1192, Kundanbagh, Begumpet , Hyderabad, India GVK BIO is a part of the $1 billion GVK group. GVK is a diversified enterprise having interests in Infrastructure (Power, Transportation and Urban Infrastructure), Services (Hotels, Life-sciences and Financial)...

List of Pharmaceutical Companies in India (C,D,E and F)

Cadilla HealthcareSarkhej-Bavla N.H. No 8A Moraiya Ahmedabad - 382213, India.Immunodiagnostics and pharmaceuticalsWebsite: Tel: +91-02717-250801Fax: +91-02717-250606 ________________________________________Cipla Ltd.Mumbai Central, Mumbai, India.Website:

List of Pharmaceutical Companies in India (A and B)

Alembic Limited (Formerly - Alembic Chemical Works Ltd.) Alembic Road, Vadodara - 390 003, Gujarat, INDIA.Manufacture Penicillin - G, Cephalosporin - C , Erythromycin, Azithromycin, CLarithromycin, Roxithromycin etc.Website: +91 - 265 - 228 0550 / +91 - 265 – 3053333Fax: +91 - 265 - 228 1508 / +91 - 265 - 228 2934________________________________________Actavis PharmaceuticalActavis Pharma Development...

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